Tuesday 25 June 2013

My first run

So I went for my first run yesterday and I loved it. It was hard going but I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed having a little bit of time to myself, having 2 very young kids I don't get that very much, so it was great to have time to think and relieve the days stresses. I plan to run 2 or 3 times a week, so I will post my updates on my progress. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Arbonne Event this Saturday!

I am holding my business launch this Saturday 15th June, along with a few business partners, we will be providing FREE LUXURY FACIALS AND HAND TREATMENTS. Please come along to Constitution Bar in Edinburgh at 1pm for a little pampering! Go on, you deserve it!

Monday 15 April 2013

The search for a body firming cream that works.

Ever since I had my first child 2 and a half years ago I have been hunting for a firming cream that would actually do what it says. I have tried so many brands in the past and been left so disappointed. Until I discovered Arbonne and tried the RE9 Advanced Body Firming Cream. This stuff truely is amazing! I saw results on my mummy tummy after just a few applications. Continued use of this botanically based product has made such a big difference to my skin. This is definately in my top 5 Arbonne products!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this product or Arbonne:

Tuesday 2 April 2013

My "Why"

Before I had heard of Arbonne I had already decided to start a direct selling business so I could make a little extra income each month. But when I researched various companies none of them appealed. Then a friend introduced me to Arbonne and I immediately felt differently about this company and wanted to know more! I used a few of the products and fell in love with them and became an Independant consultant! I am now on my way to building my team and enjoying providing clients with skincare and wellness products. And I am loving every minute at the same time as being there for my kids growing up.

Monday 25 March 2013

3 ways to join Arbonne

You can join Arbonne for free and become a client which lets you buy the products online and have them delivered right to your door. Or you can become a preferred client and save 20% on all products, this costs just £15. But if you would like to save as well as earn you can become an Independant Consultant for £54 and receive 35% off all products and earn commission on any sales you make. So if you would like to save money on luxurious Swiss products then contact me for more information.

Sunday 24 March 2013

How was your weekend?

Mines was very chilled out, caught up with friends and spent time with my kids and my partner. Tonight I plan to have a long hot bath using Arbonne's Aromassentials unwind bath gel, it smells super good and leaves my skin feeling great!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Are you bored of 9-5?

I joined Arbonne because I didn't want to return to full time work after maternity leave. It's the ideal opportunity for anyone who wants to choose their hours and wage and also if you want to spend more time with your family. If you join my team I can show you how to build your own Arbonne business and get 35% off all products while earning commission on all sales you make. Arbonne really is an amazing opportunity so contact me if you would like to know more, as long as you live in the UK, US, Canada or Australia. stephmurray.arbonne@gmail.com.